Thursday, July 31, 2008

Weekly Recaps

Total Drama House is an online reality game like no other! Sixteen shameless houseguests of mostly teenie boppers will move into the Total Drama House and their lives will be changed....forever!!! They will be spied on by over 100,000 cameras 24-7 and will have to scheme ageist other houseguests that they fuck'in hate (Um basically a popularity contest is what I'm trying to get at.. ahem). Competition's will be held every week to determine the Drama King or Queen who will nominate two candidates for eviction. Each week the cast will vote to oust the next person from the Total Drama House. On the last episode, the cast will vote for the $500,000 winner. Which pathetic, hopeless housegust who is desperate for 15-minutes of fame or shame will win the game? Find out this season on Total Drama House!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

..Week One..
During the first week in the Total Drama House and as soon as the houseguest's moved in drama had unleashed itself. Right off the bat many houseguest's were annoyed with Amy and her obsessive desire to make an alliance. Although annoying, Amy was welcomed into the Alliance that was quickly formed by Brad, Brook, Andrew and Sean. Paul and Amanda became close friends as did Pamela and Brook, Olvia and Tara, and Greg and Lacey.

The 16 houseguet's were informed that their first competition would not be for Drama King or Queen but would be for the shiny "Power Crown". The "Power Crown" would allow two houseguest's the chance to eliminate a houseguest of their choice without the power of veto to save them in two days. The two highest scoring housegust's on the competition would win the "Power Crown"

..Competition #1..
Although I titled this Competition it really isn't one. The 8 female Houseguest's were asked to vote for one Male to receive the Power Crown. The Males were then asked to vote for one of the Females.

With 3 votes for Greg, Greg was awarded the Power Crown for the Males.
With 4 votes Amanda was awarded the Power Crown for the Females.

With the power both in their hands, Amanda and Greg quickly formed an alliance with each other. Although they felt unlucky with the power they received, the decision was easy when Amy let lose on the Alliance she had made.

..Power Crown Nomination Ceremony..
Amanda & Greg
Well even though it really rocks to be voted for this power so early on, it really sucks that we have to get rid of someone so early. Me and Amanda went back and forth tons of times trying to decide who we should nominate in the end it has come down to............ Brad and Amy.

Amy we nominated you because everyone in the house has commented on how much they dislike you, everyone thinks you came on too strong a little to early and or the betterment of the house we have nominated you.

Brad as you probably know Amy has been very vocal about her alliance. And to already have a 5 person alliance in this game is dangerous to everyone in the house who is not in it. You seem to be the leader of this alliance so that is why we have decided to nominate you. Sorry but it has to be done.

This is not personal it is just what the house wants. Good luck to you both!

After the Power Crown Ceremony, Brad approached Greg to offer him an alliance to return for a chance to stay in the game. Greg offered that if he would agree to an alliance with Lacey, Ed and himself than Greg would try to convince Amanda to agree on letting Brad stay. Brad agreed.

Before the Power Crown Eviction Ceremony Greg tried to convince Amanda that Amy had to go. Amanda felt that Brad would be a bigger threat to everyone down the line and that Amy would be a better choice for who to stay.

..Power Crown Eviction Ceremony..
Amanda & Greg
Amy and Brad, this is a tough decision to make in such short time. I almost blew my brains out over trying to decide which one of you should stay and which one should go. Greg and I talked about it and talked to each of you. But in the end we are going to do what we think is best for us and what is best for the entire house. We have decided to Evict.......................Amy.


..Amy's Exit interview..
Julie Chen: Amy sorry to see you go so early. Are you surprised to be sitting here or did she see it happening?
Amy: In a way I'm not surprised but in a way yes. Amanda kept telling me not to worry and that Brad was probably the one going. So I believed her. So in a way I did think I was staying. I think it was a stupid move for them. I didn't come off as a threat at all Brad was the one going around and manipulating people to do his dirty work. He should be sitting here!
Julie Chen: Many houseguest's, along with Greg and Amanda commented stated that "You came on too strong" and wanted to make alliance's to early. Do you feel this is true? Is this why you are sitting here now?
Amy: I might have come off to strong too early but I don't think it's why I'm sitting here. Greg turned into like Brad junior after the nominations. I don't think Greg liked me from the beginning and he probably convinced Amanda to get rid of me. I think I got evicted because I was an easy target and no one would look bad if I went. Poor players in my mind.
Julie Chen: Finally, which one of the 15 remaining players do you think has the best chance of winning and why?
Amy: Hm. Probably a quieter person. Like Ed maybe, I think he'll go far. Although I would probably like to see either Tara, Pamela or Olivia win. I soooooooo hope that Brad, Greg, Sean or Andrew don't win. They totally threw me under the bus. Those fuckers!

..Drama King or Queen Competiton..
Whoever becomes Drama King or Queen has the power to keep themselves safe for the week as well as nominated to houseguest's of their choice for eviction.
Since Amanda and Greg were not Drama King or Queen they were allowed to compete in this competition.

The houseguests were asked to match with Drama Moment applied to which Houseguest. The TWO houseguest's that got the most correct matches would win the Competition.

Amanda: 5
Andrew: 7
Brad: 12

With 12 points Brad would become the first Drama King along with Greg with 11 points.

With Brad and Greg both in power their new alliance would be put to test. Brad told Greg, Lacey and Ed that he was still going to keep his alliance with Sean, Andrew and Brook so that if one of those 3 got power they would be safe. Greg also mentioned that he would still keep close to Amanda. Paul, Amanda, Tara and Olivia had soon made an alliance, while Pamela stuck close to Brook and Devon was on his own. Although being on his own, Devon quickly snapped and attacked Tara of her character. Tara fought back, as the first huge fight of the season (don't worry, there are many more to come!) had occurred. This left many of the houseguest hating Devon and how he jumped on Tara and many felt that he should be evicted because of this.

..Nomination Ceremony..
Brad & Greg
Here we are week one and we are soon going to evict our 2nd person. This game moves fast! First I would like to thank formally Amanda and Greg for not evicting me the other day. Thanks Guys! This decision was a tough one for Greg and myself but we have come to a final decision. We will explain our nominations after we reveal our nominations. With that I will pull the first key.

Amanda, you are safe.
Sean, you are safe.
Emma, you are safe.
Ed, you are safe.
Pamela, you are safe.
Lacey, you are safe.
Brook, you are safe.
Olivia, you are safe.
Paul, you are safe.
Nicole, you are safe.
Andrew, you are safe.

Devon and Tara we have decided to nominate you both.
You have both been nominated for the same reason's. The constant talking about each other behind each other backs and the fight that other day has landed you both on the block. Even though this is the Total Drama House, you two are making it Total Drama Hell. Nothing Personal. Good luck.

..Veto Competition..
The two Drama Kings and the two Nominees would Compete. Also three randomly selected players would compete in the Veto competition.
Competing Houseguest's:
Brad, Greg, Devon, Tara, Nicole, Brook, Ed
Each Houseguest got to pick a spot on the site to hide a hidden link with the Veto hidden on one randomly selected link. Each houseguest got one try to find the Veto. If no one found the Veto than the veto would go to the player it was randomly put on.

Brad- Found Tara- Veto
Greg- Found Ed
Devon-Found Nicole
Tara- Did not find anyone
Nicole- Found Devon
Brook- Did not find anyone
Ed- Found Brook

Brad found Tara's hidden link along with the Veto! Brad won the first POV!

After the POV Competition, Devon approached Brad to take him off the block. Devon protested that Tara was more closer to the girls and that he had no one on his side. Devon offered to help Brad with anything in return of safety. Brad told Devon that he would think about it. Meanwhile, Tara felt pretty safe within the house that she was not going to leave being on the block with Devon. She did not approach Brad with anything.

..Veto Ceremony..
This is the Veto Ceremony. I have the power to veto either Devon or Tara from the block and put someone up in their place. Devon came to talk to me which I appreciated yet Tara you did not. I don't know if you didn't have time or what but we were both online at the same time. Tara I think that you are very over-confident in your position in the game. If you didn't notice you are on the block. At this point I hate this decision but for the House I have decided................ To NOT use the Golden Power of Veto.

With that Devon and Tara remain as Nominees.

Brad approached Greg, Ed and Lacey ( his secret alliance) with the offer of Devon to help them out in the game. They agreed that Devon was more beneficial to them than Tara was and that Tara was annoying them. Brad then approached his second alliance of Sean, Ed and Andrew to tell them to do the same. The house was then torn between the people supporting Tara in her battle against Devon and between those who felt strategically it was smarter to get rid of Tara.

..Voting Breakdown..
I hate Devon, he's soo rude and a total asshole! I can't stand him. I have no reason for keeping him. Tara on the other hand adore! She is really sweet and I am in an alliance with her. The only thing is that Greg told me to vote for Tara. Fuck him! I listen to no one!
I vote to evict Devon

I pretty much hate them both. Devon thinks he's the shit, and comes off just as cocky as Tara. Tara is an annoying little brat. Stupid Bitch! My alliance wants to keep Devon this week so I have to agree with them.
I vote to evict Tara

The good thing about keeping Tara is that shes not very smart and I don't see her as a huge threat. The bad thing is that I think she's really close to Paul, Amanda, and Olivia which could be a dangerous alliance to deal with. The good thing about keeping Devon is that i think he would stick with our side and his main target would be Tara taking some off of us. The bad thing is that hes really hard to deal with and that if he does stay he might just be evicted in 2 weeks time.
I vote to evict Tara.

Tara is annoying as hell and Im really one of the only ones that actually get's along with Devon. I have no use for Tara in this game at all.
I vote to evict Tara

I do enjoy teasing Devon to piss him off lol. He's just fun. I think Tara would be better to have an alliance with because you can depend on her more, Devon is just all over the place. I'm pretty sure I know where Tara usually stands. Devon I just have no Idea.
I vote to evict Devon

I like Tara more than I like Devon but I have nothing against either of them. I felt the way Devon went after Tara was uncalled for and if I was voting tonight based upon who I thought deserved to stay more I would vote to keep Tara. But strategy wise it is smarter for me to keep Devon. Therefore I vote to evict Tara.

I know there is a lot of people voting to evict Devon tonight and a lot voting to evict Tara. I think I might be the swing vote lol. Tonight I am basing my vote against who I think are controlling this game thus far. Just to piss them off. I have told people I have no idea who I'm voting for but I have made up my mind. Sorry.
But I vote to evict Devon

Devon is a cocky little shit. One more day in this game with him and I'll be ready to bury his ass. That motha fucker think he's all that. Well he's got another thing coming to him. Tara I just love and couldn't be in the game without her.
I vote to evict Devon

So far 4 Votes- Devon
4 Votes -Tara

Ugh. This vote is really hard. I really want Tara to stay but Ive been told to vote for her. Brook really wants her gone and at the point I'm the closest to Brook in this game. If I vote to keep Tara than I could be putting myself out there and at this point I want to stay as low on the radar as possible. But I just can't stand Devon so Ive decided to do what I feel it right.
I vote to evict Devon

Devon, you have numerous talked about me and my friends behind their backs in this game. You think were stupid but were not. I am sooooo looking forward to seeing your ass walk out that door. Bye Bye Bitch!
I vote to evict Devon

At this point I think it's a smarter decision to keep Devon in the game because he's pretty much begging us to help him. Devon doesn't have any allies because no one likes him and on the other hand Tara is close to all the girls and Paul.
I vote to evict Tara


..Devon's Exit Interview..
Julie Chen: Devon sorry to see you go so early. You came into the game very vocal and talking a lot of smack behind peoples back, also starting a huge uproar with Tara. Do you think that was the proper way to play?
Devon: Thanks it sucks to get the boot week 1 haha. I don't really think there is any proper way to play. I don't think talking shit should have gotten me on the block, I think it will cost Greg and Brad the game. I could have helped them yet them nominated me because everyone one else wanted me up there. Was not a good move.
Julie Chen: Were you surprised the vote was so close?
Devon: Yeah! I didn't expect that. I thought I might get Ed's vote but that's it. I'm glad towards the end they actually saw the light and tried to keep me, but the Girls alliance controlled the vote so there was no way in me staying.
Julie Chen: Finally, who do you think has the best chance of winning?
Devon: I would say Nicole. She is kinda playing all sides yet no one really suspects it.

..Coming up Next week on Total Drama House..
-A new Power gains control and flips the house as they attack the power players.
-A new secret alliance is formed between 4 Houseguest's.
-One houseguest is asks to be evicted in the hopes of saving their friend. Will the others grant their wish?
Find out all of this and more on the next Total Drama House!